Best Islamic Studies for Kids Online Course with Arab Teachers 30% OFF
Islamic Studies for Kids: We are offering Islamic studies for beginners course. By learning this course kids will be able to know the basics of Deen and Islam. It is very important that kids should know about their Islam because these kids are our future. They should have clear concepts about Islam so that they become productive members of our society. Sign Up Now.

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This basic knowledge will enable them in the future to explore more about the Islam and the Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his companions.
The following classes for Islamic studies for children are available:
Learn Quran Online and Islamic Studies by registration via this form. Sign up now and get 30% OFF.
Learn Quran Online with Arab Teachers
Class Type: One-On-One
Age: 5 up to 18
No. of Levels: 5 Levels
For: Beginner & Intermediate
Alhamdullillah! I gained a lot from this online Quranic classes cause it really improved my tajweed. I benefitted a lot from this online classes cause it enabled me to memorize from suratul NAS to suratul AL FAJR. Thanks y’all may Allah Azawajal reward y’all. 😊☺💯

North carolina, USA
Personally I am so happy with my progress, alhamdulillah. My teacher is very good and very patient with me. May Allah grant her and you all high level of Janna. Ameen. Now I know many dua which I never knew them before. I am honored to be learning Quran with Qur’an sheikh, Alhamdulillah

Slough, UK
🍃 Teacher is Excellent. 🍃 Online learning is Easy to learn and grasp fundamental concepts. 🍃 Personal benefits from online learning are Flexible timing for busy people and can study at the comfort of my home. 🍃 Level and amount of progress. Alhamdulillah able to finish lessons in one session and progressi at a good pace. 🍃 Overall quality of service are Excellent Masha Allah.

Kuwait, Kuwait
THE FEE TO ATTEND slamic Studies for children
Plan | Schedule/Week | Classes/Month | Fee GBP |
A | 2 Classes / Week | 08 / Month | £30 /Month – |
B | 3 Classes / Week | 12 / Month | £40 /Month – |
C | 4 Classes / Week | 16 / Month | £56 /Month – |
D | 5 Classes / Week | 20 / Month | £65 /Month – |
E | 6 Classes / Week | 24 / Month | £75 /Month – |
Plan | Schedule/Week | Classes/Month | Fee USD |
A | 2 Classes / Week | 08 / Month | $39 /Month – |
B | 3 Classes / Week | 12 / Month | $52 /Month – |
C | 4 Classes / Week | 16 / Month | $72 /Month – |
D | 5 Classes / Week | 20 / Month | $85 /Month – |
E | 6 Classes / Week | 24 / Month | $100 /Month – |
Plan | Schedule/Week | Classes/Month | Fee AUD |
A | 2 Classes / Week | 08 / Month | $50 /Month – |
B | 3 Classes / Week | 12 / Month | $69 /Month – |
C | 4 Classes / Week | 16 / Month | $89 /Month – |
D | 5 Classes / Week | 20 / Month | $110 /Month – |
E | 6 Classes / Week | 24 / Month | $130 /Month – |
Plan | Schedule/Week | Classes/Month | Fee CAD |
A | 2 Classes / Week | 08 / Month | $48 /Month – |
B | 3 Classes / Week | 12 / Month | $64 /Month – |
C | 4 Classes / Week | 16 / Month | $85 /Month – |
D | 5 Classes / Week | 20 / Month | $102 /Month – |
E | 6 Classes / Week | 24 / Month | $120 /Month – |
Read More about Islamic Studies for kids
What is Islamic Studies?

Islamic studies have two meaning in itself:
- To learn or research on any topic but according to the Islamic point of view.
- To learn any Islamic topic.
“Islamic studies” can mean researching or learning any topic in a way that agrees with Islamic knowledge. It includes all the traditional forms of religious thought, such as Islamic theology and Fiqh. For example, Islamic science and Islamic economics.
“Islamic studies” can also mean studying the history of Islam. Some non-Muslim scholars have written so many books that are read by many Muslims. Such non-Muslim scholars are called “Islamicists”.
Islamic studies have great importance in our lives because Islam has revealed a complete way of life. Islam is a religion that not only guides Muslims but guides the whole humanity. The Holy Qur’an has explained the solution of every problem of life from toilets to Baitullah. And unless we study Islam, we cannot succeed in the world hereafter no matter how much progress we have made in this physical world. To succeed in both the world and the Hereafter, it is necessary to study Islam and live accordingly.
Learn Islamic studies online for kids

It has been explained above that the study of Islam is very important for living. In today’s scientific age, learning Islam is not a difficult task.
The online system has made this task a lot easier. You can find perfection in the principles of Islam easily at home.
Take online classes at home and get your degrees. There are many institutes working for online Islamic studies for youth & kids, including Quran Website.
In our institute in addition to Quran classes like Norani Qaidah, Quran Recitation and Memorization, and Tajweed course, etc. there held Islamic studies classes also.
The following classes for Islamic studies for kids (islamic studies for 5 year olds)are available:
- Tafseer
- Hadith
- Fiqh
- Aqidah
- Islamic History
Islamic Studies online class

Quran Sheikh is now offering Islamic studies classes also. Join this course to explore your knowledge about Deen and Islam. You can take the regular classes or join separately.
We have a flexible schedule according to your available time. You can join us via Skype or Zoom for online classes.
Islamic Studies for kid Teachers
Our Institute has the most qualified staff. There are Arab Teachers for males and females graduated from well-known universities, perform the duties of teaching. Besides this, there is the availability of one-week trial classes also.
Islamic studies Books
In our institute, we teach only islamic studies curriculum pdf books related to Sunnah Maslak.
What is Tafseer of the Quran?

The word Tafseer comes from the root word “Fasr” which means that “uncover, display or explanation, etc.” The person who writes the Tafseer is called Mufassir.
Therefore, Tafseer of Quran means that the correct explanation or interpretations of the verses of the Quran.
The Tafseer of Quran is not something done by anyone with ordinary or common intellect and understanding of Islam; rather it is done by people after obtaining extensive knowledge about Islam and reading the history of Islam thoroughly.
He also must have a command on Arabic grammar also. The objective of a Tafseer is to find out the true meanings of the verses of the Quran so that the audience could benefit from it and know the right and true message of the Quran.
Important of Tafseer
There are many reasons why it is so important for people to provide them with Tafseer of the Quran.
- Since the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, and now there are some countries in the world where people can understand or speak the Arabic language. It is also important for everyone to read the Holy Quran so that he can live his life accordingly.
- Secondly, the Qur’an is called the sea of the sciences, and even those who know Arabic do not understand the Holy Quran very well, so it was very important that the Qur’an should be explained in simple words. Therefore, the scholars decided to write an interpretation of the Qur’an.
- Tafseer is also important when we extract the laws of Islam from Quran. Verses of the Quran come with instructions, and then there are the hadiths of Prophet (PBUH) that also gives instructions. Thus, Tafseer combines both and gives a complete and comprehensible set of instructions to the reader.
History of Tafseer
It may be surprising for someone to know that the Tafseer of the Quran was started in the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Allah Almighty himself says in the Holy Quran:
“And O Muhammad (SAW), We have revealed this Qur’an to you in order that you may make clear to the people what has been revealed to them, and that they may act with care”. [16:44]
The science of Tafseer during the Prophet’s (SAW) life was a relatively easy matter. This was so for a number of factors. Firstly, the Companions were witnessing the revelation of the Qur’an, and the circumstances during which it was revealed. They were aware of the reason behind the revelation of a verse (asbaab an-nuzool), and as such did not need to search for this knowledge as later interpreters would have to.
Secondly, the Arabic of the Companions was the Arabic of the Qur’an, as the Qur’an was revealed in their language. Therefore the Arabic of the Qur’an was, in general, understood by them without any difficulties. Lastly, and most importantly, the Prophet (SAW) was alive, and the Qur’an was still being revealed, so even if there were any difficulties in understanding any verse, they could turn to the Prophet (SAW) for an explanation.
After the death of the Prophet (SAW), the science of Tafseer took on a more systematic approach. Thus it can be considered that the first true mufassirs were actually the Companions. The sources that the Companions used for Tafseer were the Qur’an, the statements of the Prophet (SAW), the principles of Arabic grammar and rhetoric, their own personal reasoning, and pagan and Judaeo-Christian customs that were prevalent at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an.
These sources will be discussed in greater detail in the following section.
Conditions and Principles for writing the Tafseer
Before writing Tafseer following conditions must be fulfilled:
- • Mufassir should be a master of different disciplines such as linguistic, rhetoric, theology and jurisprudence.
- • He should be a master of Arabic language especially classical Arabic language. One of the earliest Islamic scholars Mujahid ibn Jabr said:
“It is not permissible for one who holds faith in Allah and the Day of Judgment
to speak on the Qur’an without learning classical Arabic.”
This condition is most important because in the Arabic language there are so many words which different meanings at different places. So one cannot say anything about any Arabic word without mastering the Arabic language.
- He should know the philology of the Arabic language also so that he can interpret the literal meanings of words.
- The Mufassir should have sound knowledge on other fields of sciences that are connected with the Holy Quran.
- He must have ability to precise the comprehension.
- He should relate his Tafseer with reports of Shaba (r).
What is Hadith?

Sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which accounts for His daily life is called Sunnah. The routine life actions (Sunnah) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in text form are called Hadith.
Islam has two primary sources for guidance; one is the Holy Quran (sayings of Allah (SWT) and the other one is Hadith.
What is the difference between Quran and Hadith?
Quran is the word of God which was revealed on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) while Hadith is the saying or actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Or it can be said that the Quran is the Book where Allah has revealed His commandments and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has practically implemented those commandments.
Kinds of Hadith
Following are the three types of Hadith:
- Hadith e Qudsi: The Hadith in which statement is from Allah and the words from the Holy Prophet PBUH).
- Hadith e Qouli: The statements of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
- Hadith e faeli: The actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Six books of Hadith
Following are the famous six books of Hadith:
- Sahih al-Bukhari.
- Sahih Muslim.
- Sunan Abu Dawud.
- Sunan al-Tirmidhi.
- Sunan al-Nasa’i.
- Sunan Ibn Majah.
What does Aqidah mean in Islam?

Aqidah linguistically derived from the root word ‘Aqada’ which means ‘certainty, affirmation or confirmation’.
So Aqidah can be defined as ‘a firm determination of heart and mind upon something’.
According to the Islamic point of view “It refers to those matters which are believed in, with certainty and conviction, in one’s heart and soul.
They are not tainted with any doubt or uncertainty. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of Aqidah.
What are the six articles of faith in Islam?

- Belief in the existence and oneness of Allah.
- Belief in the existence of angels.
- Belief in the existence of the books revealed by Allah Almighty: the Quran (revealed to Muhammad), Tawrat (revealed to Hazrat Musa), the Zabur (revealed to Hazrat Dawud), and Injil (revealed to Hazrat Eesa).
- Belief in the existence of all Prophets (Peace be upon them).
- Belief in the existence of Day of Judgment: in that day, humanity will be divided into two groups: that of paradise and that of hell. These groups are themselves composed of subgroups.
- Belief in the existence of Allah’s predestination, whether it involves good or bad.
What does Fiqh mean in Islam?

The term Fiqh means understanding or comprehension.
The theory or philosophy of Islamic Law based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadiths is called Fiqh.
According to the Islamic point of view, the study of Shar’ia and Islamic law is called Fiqh.
What is the meaning of Fatwa?
Interpretation of any Islamic point w.r.t Islamic law given by any certified Islamic scholar called as called Fatwa.
Sources of Islamic Fiqh
Following are the sources of Islamic Fiqh:
- Holy Quran
- Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
- Ijma’ (Consensus)
- Qiyas (Analogy)
When did Islam begin?
The origins of Islam began on the day when Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Adam (AS) as a Prophet in this world.
Because all the prophets who came before the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) came, they preached the same religion (Islam) about which He (PBUH) preached the people.
But most historians say that Islam began in Makah and Madina at the start of 7th century CE, approximately 600 years after founding of Christianity.
Quran Sheikh Institute’s Objectives

In Tafseer lessons, the students will learn about the meaning of the Holy Quran and the central religious text of Islam.
The main objective of the Hadith lesson will be to familiarize the students with Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH), how He (PBUH) lived His life.
In Aqidah lessons, the students will learn about the beliefs of Islam. Aqidah is the very first point of Islam and obviously has great importance.
Through this point, we can comment about any person that he/ she is a Muslim or non-Muslim i.e. a person whose beliefs are fine will have all the right actions.
In Fiqh lesson, the students will learn how to do worship of Allah Almighty. In this lesson, the students will start to learn from the very first problem i.e. Purity, ablutions, etc.
In Islamic history, the students will study famous Islamic stories i.e. how Islam came into people’s lives and then change their lives, etc.
This is all done within this Institute. You can join by fill out this form or contact via WhatsApp.
Read More about Islamic Studies for kids
What is Islamic Studies?

Islamic studies have two meaning in itself:
- To learn or research on any topic but according to the Islamic point of view.
- To learn any Islamic topic.
“Islamic studies” can mean researching or learning any topic in a way that agrees with Islamic knowledge. It includes all the traditional forms of religious thought, such as Islamic theology and Fiqh. For example, Islamic science and Islamic economics.
“Islamic studies” can also mean studying the history of Islam. Some non-Muslim scholars have written so many books that are read by many Muslims. Such non-Muslim scholars are called “Islamicists”.
Islamic studies have great importance in our lives because Islam has revealed a complete way of life. Islam is a religion that not only guides Muslims but guides the whole humanity. The Holy Qur’an has explained the solution of every problem of life from toilets to Baitullah. And unless we study Islam, we cannot succeed in the world hereafter no matter how much progress we have made in this physical world. To succeed in both the world and the Hereafter, it is necessary to study Islam and live accordingly.
Learn Islamic studies for kids online

It has been explained above that the study of Islam is very important for living. In today’s scientific age, learning Islam is not a difficult task.
The online system has made this task a lot easier. You can find perfection in the principles of Islam easily at home.
Take online classes at home and get your degrees. There are many institutes working for online Islamic studies for kids, including Quran Website.
In our institute in addition to Quran classes like Norani Qaidah, Quran Recitation and Memorization, and Tajweed course, etc. there held Islamic studies classes also.
The following classes for Islamic studies for kids are available:
- Tafseer
- Hadith
- Fiqh
- Aqidah
- Islamic History
Islamic Studies for Kids class

Quran Sheikh is now offering Islamic studies classes also. Join this course to explore your knowledge about Deen and Islam. You can take the regular classes or join separately.
We have a flexible schedule according to your available time. You can join us via Skype or Zoom for online classes.
Islamic Studies for kid Teachers
Our Institute has the most qualified staff. There are Arab Teachers for males and females graduated from well-known universities, perform the duties of teaching. Besides this, there is the availability of one-week trial classes also.
Islamic studies for kids Books
In our institute, we teach only Islamic Books related to Sunnah Maslak.
What is Tafseer of the Quran?

The word Tafseer comes from the root word “Fasr” which means that “uncover, display or explanation, etc.” The person who writes the Tafseer is called Mufassir.
Therefore, Tafseer of Quran means that the correct explanation or interpretations of the verses of the Quran.
The Tafseer of Quran is not something done by anyone with ordinary or common intellect and understanding of Islam; rather it is done by people after obtaining extensive knowledge about Islam and reading the history of Islam thoroughly.
He also must have a command on Arabic grammar also. The objective of a Tafseer is to find out the true meanings of the verses of the Quran so that the audience could benefit from it and know the right and true message of the Quran.
Important of Tafseer
There are many reasons why it is so important for people to provide them with Tafseer of the Quran.
- Since the Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, and now there are some countries in the world where people can understand or speak the Arabic language. It is also important for everyone to read the Holy Quran so that he can live his life accordingly.
- Secondly, the Qur’an is called the sea of the sciences, and even those who know Arabic do not understand the Holy Quran very well, so it was very important that the Qur’an should be explained in simple words. Therefore, the scholars decided to write an interpretation of the Qur’an.
- Tafseer is also important when we extract the laws of Islam from Quran. Verses of the Quran come with instructions, and then there are the hadiths of Prophet (PBUH) that also gives instructions. Thus, Tafseer combines both and gives a complete and comprehensible set of instructions to the reader.
History of Tafseer
It may be surprising for someone to know that the Tafseer of the Quran was started in the life of Holy Prophet (PBUH). Allah Almighty himself says in the Holy Quran:
“And O Muhammad (SAW), We have revealed this Qur’an to you in order that you may make clear to the people what has been revealed to them, and that they may act with care”. [16:44]
The science of Tafseer during the Prophet’s (SAW) life was a relatively easy matter. This was so for a number of factors. Firstly, the Companions were witnessing the revelation of the Qur’an, and the circumstances during which it was revealed. They were aware of the reason behind the revelation of a verse (asbaab an-nuzool), and as such did not need to search for this knowledge as later interpreters would have to.
Secondly, the Arabic of the Companions was the Arabic of the Qur’an, as the Qur’an was revealed in their language. Therefore the Arabic of the Qur’an was, in general, understood by them without any difficulties. Lastly, and most importantly, the Prophet (SAW) was alive, and the Qur’an was still being revealed, so even if there were any difficulties in understanding any verse, they could turn to the Prophet (SAW) for an explanation.
After the death of the Prophet (SAW), the science of Tafseer took on a more systematic approach. Thus it can be considered that the first true mufassirs were actually the Companions. The sources that the Companions used for Tafseer were the Qur’an, the statements of the Prophet (SAW), the principles of Arabic grammar and rhetoric, their own personal reasoning, and pagan and Judaeo-Christian customs that were prevalent at the time of the revelation of the Qur’an.
These sources will be discussed in greater detail in the following section.
Conditions and Principles for writing the Tafseer
Before writing Tafseer following conditions must be fulfilled:
- • Mufassir should be a master of different disciplines such as linguistic, rhetoric, theology and jurisprudence.
- • He should be a master of Arabic language especially classical Arabic language. One of the earliest Islamic scholars Mujahid ibn Jabr said:
“It is not permissible for one who holds faith in Allah and the Day of Judgment
to speak on the Qur’an without learning classical Arabic.”
This condition is most important because in the Arabic language there are so many words which different meanings at different places. So one cannot say anything about any Arabic word without mastering the Arabic language.
- He should know the philology of the Arabic language also so that he can interpret the literal meanings of words.
- The Mufassir should have sound knowledge on other fields of sciences that are connected with the Holy Quran.
- He must have ability to precise the comprehension.
- He should relate his Tafseer with reports of Shaba (r).
What is Hadith?

Sayings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) which accounts for His daily life is called Sunnah. The routine life actions (Sunnah) of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in text form are called Hadith.
Islam has two primary sources for guidance; one is the Holy Quran (sayings of Allah (SWT) and the other one is Hadith.
What is the difference between Quran and Hadith?
Quran is the word of God which was revealed on the Holy Prophet (PBUH) while Hadith is the saying or actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Or it can be said that the Quran is the Book where Allah has revealed His commandments and the Holy Prophet (PBUH) has practically implemented those commandments.
Kinds of Hadith
Following are the three types of Hadith:
- Hadith e Qudsi: The Hadith in which statement is from Allah and the words from the Holy Prophet PBUH).
- Hadith e Qouli: The statements of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
- Hadith e faeli: The actions of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).
Six books of Hadith
Following are the famous six books of Hadith:
- Sahih al-Bukhari.
- Sahih Muslim.
- Sunan Abu Dawud.
- Sunan al-Tirmidhi.
- Sunan al-Nasa’i.
- Sunan Ibn Majah.
What does Aqidah mean in Islam?

Aqidah linguistically derived from the root word ‘Aqada’ which means ‘certainty, affirmation or confirmation’.
So Aqidah can be defined as ‘a firm determination of heart and mind upon something’.
According to the Islamic point of view “It refers to those matters which are believed in, with certainty and conviction, in one’s heart and soul.
They are not tainted with any doubt or uncertainty. Any religious belief system, or creed, can be considered an example of Aqidah.
What are the six articles of faith in Islam?

- Belief in the existence and oneness of Allah.
- Belief in the existence of angels.
- Belief in the existence of the books revealed by Allah Almighty: the Quran (revealed to Muhammad), Tawrat (revealed to Hazrat Musa), the Zabur (revealed to Hazrat Dawud), and Injil (revealed to Hazrat Eesa).
- Belief in the existence of all Prophets (Peace be upon them).
- Belief in the existence of Day of Judgment: in that day, humanity will be divided into two groups: that of paradise and that of hell. These groups are themselves composed of subgroups.
- Belief in the existence of Allah’s predestination, whether it involves good or bad.
What does Fiqh mean in Islam?

The term Fiqh means understanding or comprehension.
The theory or philosophy of Islamic Law based on the teachings of the Quran and Hadiths is called Fiqh.
According to the Islamic point of view, the study of Shar’ia and Islamic law is called Fiqh.
What is the meaning of Fatwa?
Interpretation of any Islamic point w.r.t Islamic law given by any certified Islamic scholar called as called Fatwa.
Sources of Islamic Fiqh
Following are the sources of Islamic Fiqh:
- Holy Quran
- Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH)
- Ijma’ (Consensus)
- Qiyas (Analogy)
When did Islam begin?
The origins of Islam began on the day when Allah Almighty sent Hazrat Adam (AS) as a Prophet in this world.
Because all the prophets who came before the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon Him) came, they preached the same religion (Islam) about which He (PBUH) preached the people.
But most historians say that Islam began in Makah and Madina at the start of 7th century CE, approximately 600 years after founding of Christianity.
Quran Sheikh Institute’s Objectives

In Tafseer lessons, the students will learn about the meaning of the Holy Quran and the central religious text of Islam.
The main objective of the Hadith lesson will be to familiarize the students with Sunnah of Holy Prophet (PBUH), how He (PBUH) lived His life.
In Aqidah lessons, the students will learn about the beliefs of Islam. Aqidah is the very first point of Islam and obviously has great importance.
Through this point, we can comment about any person that he/ she is a Muslim or non-Muslim i.e. a person whose beliefs are fine will have all the right actions.
In Fiqh lesson, the students will learn how to do worship of Allah Almighty. In this lesson, the students will start to learn from the very first problem i.e. Purity, ablutions, etc.
In Islamic history, the students will study famous Islamic stories i.e. how Islam came into people’s lives and then change their lives, etc.
This is all done within this Institute. You can join by fill out this form or contact via WhatsApp.
Best Islamic Studies for Kids Online Course with Arab Teachers 30% OFF | QuranSheikh

Learn Islamic studies online for kids with Quran classes and Tajweed. Kids will be able to know the basics of Deen and Islam, 30% Off, get free trial now
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