Tajweed meaning – Best Quran Tajweed Course Lesson 1

In this lesson, we will cover :

  • Tajweed meaning
  • Importance of Tajweed
  • Why we must study Tajweed to recite the Noble Quran

Tajweed meaning

What is the meaning of Tajweed ?

In the Arabic language, it is written as “تجويد” if the letters ت and ی are skipped then this word becomes “جَوّدَ” which means to make something good. Hence the word Tajweed means “the art or Islamic science of beautifying your recitation”. It is a way of recitation of the Noble Quran as it was revealed.

 How do we recite it as the way it was revealed ?

we go to someone who learned it from someone who has learned it from someone, and it goes finally to Holy Prophet (SAW) or one of His companions.

Importance of Tajweed :

Some scholars of Tajweed have said that it is sinful to recite the Noble Quran without learning Tajweed.

Why there is a concept of making sin while you are doing your recitation ?

Our predecessor developed and preserved this science for a good reason. The companions of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) and followers after them and all the subsequent generation up till our time have preserved this science of how to recite the Noble Quran properly. So, there must be a good reason and it is something that should appreciate that they have taken time to preserve it for us so that we can recite the Noble Quran in the way it was revealed.

Secondly, our prayers are depending upon Tajweed rules because you recite the verses from the Noble Quran in your prayers. So, your prayer is dependent upon your pronunciation, if you cannot recite the Noble Quran in a proper way it may reduce the reward from the Allah Almighty. We can see the importance of Tajweed through the Noble Quran and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him).

In the Noble Quran Allah (SWT) says:

وَرَتِّلِ الۡقُرۡاٰنَ تَرۡتِيۡلًا ۞

And recite the Qur’an with measured recitation”. (Al-Muzammil: 04)

And the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) said:

The best of you is the one who learned the Noble Quran and taught it to others. (Bukhari).

In another Hadith, the Holy Prophet (SAW) said:

  •  Undoubtedly, the heart gets rusted like metal gets rusted when water goes over it. The people asked, “how can they [hearts] be cleaned.” The Holy Prophet (SAW) replied, “ to remember death in abundance and to recite the Noble Quran.” (Mishkat)
  • That chest which does not have any Quran in it is like an abandoned house. (Tirmizi, Darmi)

The Holy Prophet (SAW) also said that:

  •  Decorate the Quran with your (good) voices. (Mishkat)
  • people of the Quran, do not make the Quran a pillow, that s do not be lazy and be careless, and read the Quran in the day and night like it is the Haqq of Recitation, and spread it, that is, read with good voices or do not take compensation for it, and whatever is in it, reflect upon it son that you may attain success, and do not hurry in its reward because the reward for it is great (which will be given in the hereafter. (Bahiqi)

So, we have realized from the above Ayah of the Noble Quran and Hadiths of the Holy Prophet (peace be upon Him) that it is very important to read or recite the Noble Quran in a proper way.

why we must study Tajweed?

When reciting the Noble Quran, you are not allowed to make major mistakes and it is better not to make minor mistakes. Because in the Arabic language sometimes if you make a very small change (i.e. you change fathah with kasrah or dammah), it will change the meaning of that word or ayah.

Many Muslims do not know what causes major and minor mistakes and hence recite and memorize the Noble Quran incorrectly. With the knowledge of Tajweed, one can listen to professional reciters and follow them correctly and correct their own mistakes. You may listen to top reciters to improve your recitation but if you have not studied Tajweed you won’t be able to realize that what is the difference between your recitation and theirs.

What is a major Tajweed Mistake?

If a mistake while reading the Noble Quran changes the meaning of what is written in the Noble Quran then it is called a major mistake.

This mistake occurs usually due to:

  • Pronouncing a letter or sound incorrectly
  • Changing the length of a sound

Now we will try to understand this with the help of an example.
This example is related to changing the alphabet incorrectly and hence changing the meaning of what is recited.
Below is a word that we say in every prayer and it is related to the English word “praise”


Below is a word that sounds almost the same as the above word, but it is related to the English word “Destroy”


You can see here that there is a slight difference in a ح sound, but it changes the meaning from praise to destroy.

Example No. 2

This example is related to changing the length of a sound so that the meaning of what is recited is changed.

قَالَ (qaa-la’)

It means “he said”
Another word is

قَالَا (qaa-laa’)

It means “those 2 men said”

Here also we have noticed that if we stretch the letter laam from one harakah to two harakah, it will change the meaning of the word. So, you must understand what the lengths of the letters are and how they made up and make sure you do not accidentally overlengthen or shorten a length.


  • You must learn to recite the Noble Quran correctly.
  • If you not studied Tajweed and are not sure if your recitations are correct you must take the time to learn this science.
  • If you are not Arab, try your best at pronunciations.
  •  Whether you are Arab or not you can still learn this science and rules and apply them.
  • Whether you are Arab or not you can still learn this science and rules and apply them.






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