Best Quran Recitation Course, Read Quran with Arab teachers 30% OFF

Quran Reading Course online

Are you struggling with Quran reading? Do you wish to be fluent in Quran recitation with Tajweed? This Online Quran Reading course (Recitation program) is suitable for you, with our Expert Arab Quran Teachers you will learn the basics up to advanced levels in Quran reading with tajweed rules. Sign Up Now.

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    You and your kids can learn to read Quran online via Zoom, this course is to help them to recite Quran in the way it is to be recited. Our Quran tutors teach them regarding the rules that need to be followed in order to recite the words and verses properly. They will learn:

    Recitation of short & long surahs.
    Different rules of tajweed like Ikhfa Meem Saakin, Qalb, Ghunna …

    After going through this course, you and your kids become able to recite the Noble Quran with correct Makharij, pronunciation and all Tajweed rules. But the student has to pass the evaluation of Noorani Qaida Course, before joining Quran reading with Tajweed rules course.

    Learn Quran Online with Arab Teachers


    Class Type: One-On-One

    Age: 5 up to 85

    No. of Levels: 30 Levels

    For: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced

    What Parents Say About Us

    May Allah (SWT) reward you all. Alhamdullah Imaad is enjoying and picking up easily. Excellent teachers that have high level of teaching skills and good memorization techniques with good use of technology.

    Muslima avatar - Best Quran Recitation Course, Read with Arab Tutors 30% OFF

    Melbourne, Australia

    اليوم الصباح فتحت الرساله اول ما فتحت عيوني كانت شهادات الأولاد اول ما رأت عيني… شعوري لا يوصف وسعادتي لا مثيل لها… انا فخورة بأولادي على اجتهادهم والمثابرة… اشكر جميع المعلمين والقائمين على هذه المؤسسة.. شكر خاص لاستاذاتنا القديرات ❤❤ وكل التقدير لمدير المعهد بارك الله فيكم وجعل عملكم مع الأولاد في موازين حسناتكم…

    Muslima avatar - Best Quran Recitation Course, Read with Arab Tutors 30% OFF

    Saint John, Canada

    It has been a great experience to learn online from native speakers. Currently, I am at the end of completing my 14th surah, the evaluation at the beginning helped my teacher determine my strength and weakness, they used this to determine a better way to teach me as a individual.

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    Coventry, UK


    THE FEE TO ATTEND Quran Recitation Course

    Each class will be of 30 minutes
    PlanSchedule/WeekClasses/MonthFee GBP
    A2 Classes / Week08 / Month£30 /Month – £40
    B3 Classes / Week12 / Month£40 /Month – £60
    C4 Classes / Week16 / Month£56 /Month – £80
    D5 Classes / Week20 / Month£65 /Month – £100
    E6 Classes / Week24 / Month£75 /Month – £120
    United Kingdom Pounds
    Plan Schedule/Week Classes/Month Fee USD
    A2 Classes / Week08 / Month$39 /Month – $52
    B3 Classes / Week12 / Month$52 /Month – $75
    C4 Classes / Week16 / Month$72 /Month – $100
    D5 Classes / Week20 / Month$85 /Month – $130
    E6 Classes / Week24 / Month$100 /Month – $65
    United States Dollar
    Plan Schedule/Week Classes/Month Fee AUD
    A2 Classes / Week08 / Month$50 /Month – $67
    B3 Classes / Week12 / Month$69 /Month – $105
    C4 Classes / Week16 / Month$89 /Month – $135
    D5 Classes / Week20 / Month$110 /Month – $170
    E6 Classes / Week24 / Month$130 /Month – $195
    Australian Dollar
    Plan Schedule/Week Classes/Month Fee CAD
    A2 Classes / Week08 / Month$48 /Month – $70
    B3 Classes / Week12 / Month$64 /Month – $105
    C4 Classes / Week16 / Month$85 /Month – $138
    D5 Classes / Week20 / Month$102 /Month – $172
    E6 Classes / Week24 / Month$120 /Month – $195
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    Read More about Quran Reading Course

    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed

    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed
    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed

    Learn Quran online, the method is ideal for Adults and Children. What do you think when you see someone reading or reciting Holy Book in the wonderful melodious voice?

    Would you like to learn Holy Book through our Online Quran Recitation Course in that modern way?

    Join us now on Qur’an Sheikh Institute to start holy Quran learning today.

    Learn Holy Book online with our trained and qualified Online Qari from the basic level. This course we have designed especially for kids and adults.

    Start Holy Quran reading from the initial level is very obligatory because it’ll provide you essential Tajweed skills that empower you and your kids to read and recite Holy Book.

    Quran Recitation is an act in which your whole person, soul, heart, mind, tongue, and body participates. In reading the Qur’an, mind, and body, reason and feeling lose their distinction; they become fused.

    As the tongue recites and words flow from the lips, the mind ponders, the heart reflects, the soul absorbs, tears well up in the eyes, the heart quakes and trembles, the skin shivers and softens just as the heart does, there no longer remains any duality between the two; even your hair may stand on end.

    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?

    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?
    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?

    There are two main purposes of Qur’an Recitation:

    • To get out yourself from the deceptive world to a successful world.

    Quran is the Divine book towards which Muslims turn when there is any problem because it has the solution to every problem and it is the guidance for every aspect of life.

    Allah Almighty said about Quran:

    This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious]” (Quran, 2:2)

    • To read the Qur’an with the intention of getting a reward from Allah Almighty.

    Muslims will earn great rewards for reciting the Quran and implementing it in their daily life routine. We will discuss some rewards from Quran and Hadiths in this article.

    • The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment: Prophet (SAW) said that: “Read the Quran, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.” (Muslim)
    • Be from the best of the people: If you want to be the ones who are best in the eyes of Allah then teach Quran others and learn it too. In hadith, our beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “The best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others”(Bukhari)
    • Ten Rewards for each letter recitation from Quran: Hadith related to this is stated in a way that: “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” (Tirmidhi). So increase the recitation of the holy Quran to get these rewards.
    • Quran will lead to Paradise: Quran recitation will lead all of them who recited it regularly to paradise. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) stated that: “The Quran is an intercessor, something has given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.

    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?

    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?
    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?

    When reciting the Qur’an, it is vital for us to recognize that it contains the best and most beautiful words, and thus recite it in the most beautiful manner. We should use our best voice when we are reciting the word of God. We should not scream nor use a very faint voice.

    God states:

    And recite the Qur’an in a distinct tone.”(Al-Quran 73:4)

    Following are the tips from which you can improve your Qur’an Recitation:


    The best way to improve your recitation is to Learn Quran with Tajweed. Only Tajweed rules will help you improve your recitation because you will learn the proper pronunciation. Reading the Qur’an without Tajweed will fade away the beauty of the recitation.

    You cannot learn Tajweed rules without the help of a Qari. You need Quran teacher who will teach you how to recite the Quran with Tajweed. You can follow the recitation of the expert reciter and learn the way of reciting.


    After learning the Tajweed, one of the most important tips for good qirat is to practice more and more. You should practice as much as you can and recite the Qur’an as frequently as you can.

    The more you will practice, the better you will be at reciting the Quran. After some time, you will see that you have also started reciting the Qur’an like an expert reciter. You can read in smaller amount but recite it daily.


    It is recommended that you should start with a smaller passage. If you will read a smaller part properly then you will be able to recite a longer passage quickly too.

    When you are reciting the Quran, make sure you understand what you are reciting. You should understand the “harakaat” mentioned over the words. Understanding the rules like Qalqala, Iqlab, Idgham, Idhaar, Ikhfaa are also important. Understand proper makharij of similar-sounding letters.


    Learning recitation through guidebooks and Qaida books are not very helpful. You should consult a Qur’an Tutor in order to improve your Qur’an recitation. If you want to know how to recite the Qur’an beautifully, consult with the professional person.


    If you are still struggling to improve your recitation, you should listen to the recitation of your reciter, whose voice you love. Listen to the recitation again and again so that you become familiar with the correct pronunciation. Devotion is a very necessary thing when you want to learn anything. So, devote yourself to learn the Qur’an.

    Improve your Recitation with Quran Sheikh Institute

    Quran Sheikh Institute offers Quran classes to help you improve your recitation of Qur’an. You can take classes through private (one to one) or group lessons by a staff of qualified Arab tutors: male and female, for kids, women, and men.

    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran
    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

    It is important to recognize that the book of God is the most valuable book we possess. It is up to us to give it the respect it deserves. It is highly recommended to perform wudhu (or ablution) before touching the Holy Quran, as ablution cleanses our physical bodies, and makes us spiritually mindful that we are entering into an act of worship. God states,

    No one can touch it except the purified ones.”(Al-Quran 56:79)

    Furthermore, we should sit in the direction of the Qiblah (the direction of the location of the Holy Kabah), another physical demonstration that we are submitting to God.

    How many Types of Qur’an recitation?

    How many Types of Qur’an recitation
    How many Types of Qur’an recitation

    The Qur’an was revealed in an environment which was known for its numerous tribes and ascents. The Prophet said:

    Jibrîl taught me to recite in one style (hurf). I replied to him and kept asking him to give more (styles), till he reached seven styles”.

    Muslim narrated that Jibrîl said to the Prophet (PBUH) “Allah has commanded you to recite the Qur’an to your people in seven ahruf (styles), and in whichever harf (style) they recite, they would be right”.

    It is Allah’s mercy that the Qur’an was revealed in 7 ahruf to eliminate hardship and enable Muslims to recite or memorize it whichever is easier for them.

    Following are the narrators of seven styles of Quran:

    • Nafi’ ibn ‘Abdul-Rahman al-Laithi al-Madani (d. 169 A.H)
    • Abd Allah ibn Kathir al-Dari al-Makki (d. 120 A.H.)
    • Abu ‘Amr Zabban ibn al-‘Ala’ al-Mazini al-Basri (d. 154 A.H.)
    • Abd Allah ibn ‘Amir al-Yahsobi al-Shami (d. 118 A.H.)
    • Asim ibn Abi al-Najjud al-Asadi al-Kufi (d. 128 A.H.)
    • Hamzah ibn Habib al-Zayyat al-Kufi (d. 156 A.H)
    • Ali ibn Hamzah al-Nahwi-known as al-Kisai’ (d. 189 A.H.)

    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an?

    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an
    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an

    Tilawat OR Recitation is the word that the Qur’an uses to describe the act of its reading.

    Tilawat is an Arabic word meaning ‘sacred reading’ or ‘reading continuously.

    Recitation or Quran reading the extracts or portions from the Holy Qur’an either in Mosques or at homes seeking His mercy and peace for humankind is called Tilawat.

    To read the Quran from one of the above styles is called Riwayat Quran.

    Quran Reciter:

    The one who reads or recites the Quran is called Quran Reciter. On the Day of judgment, he will get so many rewards from Allah Almighty some of which are already discussed above.

    How can I learn Recitation online?

    How can I learn Recitation online
    How can I learn Recitation online

    Because we are living in the scientific age, memorizing the Qur’an has become even easier. Now you can take online

    Live Qur’an Recitation course aims to teach students how to recite with proper pronunciation using methods of Qur’an Tajweed. As we know, that meaning of Qur’an words can change even with a slight alteration of pronunciation of the word. You can learn Recitation with Qur’an Sheikh Institute. It teaches students different rules used for pronunciations of Arabic words.

    What is the recitation method of teaching?

    While learning the Qur’an Recitation some basic rules are applied. Although teaching methods may vary from country to country but these rules are the basics:

    First students should learn the Arabic Grammar which is also called Noorani Qaida in Arabic language.

    Then the students should learn the Namaz (which is a short book through which we can learn the method of praying Salah and some basics of Islam.

    Then start learning the Quran from the very last chapter.

    What is Recitation Class?

    What is Recitation Class
    What is Recitation Class

    The class where we learn how to recite or how to read the Quran is called a Recitation class. In this class, there is a Qari who helps his students to learn the Quran Recitation. This is the class where it doesn’t matter what is the age of the student or wherefrom he/she belongs.

    By attending this class the students are able to learn:

    • How to pray and recite the Quran.
    • Study Islam while increasing their faith on Prophets (peace be upon them)

    Quran recitation for kids:

    Quran recitation for kids
    Quran recitation for kids

    The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It’s an honor and blessing for every Muslim parent to witness their children love the Qur’an.

    Loving the Qur’an is not only limited to memorizing  Quran specific aayaat (verses) when instructed to do so. When a child loves the Qur’an, he feels the urge to recite ayat throughout the day, understand what he’s reciting, and is interested in everything related to the Qur’an.

    Children are predominantly influenced by their surroundings and their primary caregivers. So, the role of parents is crucial in helping children develop a strong and loving bond with the Qur’an.

    Here are some tips to help you instill the love of Quran in your child’s heart:

    • Have your children listen to the Qur’an often.
    • Share beautiful stories of the Qur’an with your children.
    • Encourage them to share what they’ve learned.
    • Go over the meaning of the verses/chapters.
    • Take it easy and encourage them.

    Read More about Quran Reading Course

    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed

    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed
    Learn Quran Reading with Tajweed

    Learn Quran online, the method is ideal for Adults and Children. What do you think when you see someone reading or reciting Holy Book in the wonderful melodious voice?

    Would you like to learn Holy Book through our Online Quran Recitation Course in that modern way?

    Join us now on Qur’an Sheikh Institute to start holy Quran learning today.

    Learn Holy Book online with our trained and qualified Online Qari from the basic level. This course we have designed especially for kids and adults.

    Start Holy Quran reading from the initial level is very obligatory because it’ll provide you essential Tajweed skills that empower you and your kids to read and recite Holy Book.

    Quran Recitation is an act in which your whole person, soul, heart, mind, tongue, and body participates. In reading the Qur’an, mind, and body, reason and feeling lose their distinction; they become fused.

    As the tongue recites and words flow from the lips, the mind ponders, the heart reflects, the soul absorbs, tears well up in the eyes, the heart quakes and trembles, the skin shivers and softens just as the heart does, there no longer remains any duality between the two; even your hair may stand on end.

    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?

    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?
    What is the purpose of Qur’an Recitation?

    There are two main purposes of Qur’an Recitation:

    • To get out yourself from the deceptive world to a successful world.

    Quran is the Divine book towards which Muslims turn when there is any problem because it has the solution to every problem and it is the guidance for every aspect of life.

    Allah Almighty said about Quran:

    This is the Book (the Quran), whereof there is no doubt, guidance to those who are Al-Muttaqoon [the pious]” (Quran, 2:2)

    • To read the Qur’an with the intention of getting a reward from Allah Almighty.

    Muslims will earn great rewards for reciting the Quran and implementing it in their daily life routine. We will discuss some rewards from Quran and Hadiths in this article.

    • The Quran will intercede for us on the Day of Judgment: Prophet (SAW) said that: “Read the Quran, for verily it will come on the Day of Standing as an intercessor for its companions.” (Muslim)
    • Be from the best of the people: If you want to be the ones who are best in the eyes of Allah then teach Quran others and learn it too. In hadith, our beloved Prophet (SAW) said: “The best of you are the ones who learn the Quran and teach it to others”(Bukhari)
    • Ten Rewards for each letter recitation from Quran: Hadith related to this is stated in a way that: “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” (Tirmidhi). So increase the recitation of the holy Quran to get these rewards.
    • Quran will lead to Paradise: Quran recitation will lead all of them who recited it regularly to paradise. Our beloved Prophet (SAW) stated that: “The Quran is an intercessor, something has given permission to intercede, and it is rightfully believed in. Whoever puts it in front of him, it will lead him to Paradise; whoever puts it behind him, it will steer him to the Hellfire.

    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?

    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?
    How to Improve Qur’an Recitation?

    When reciting the Qur’an, it is vital for us to recognize that it contains the best and most beautiful words, and thus recite it in the most beautiful manner. We should use our best voice when we are reciting the word of God. We should not scream nor use a very faint voice.

    God states:

    And recite the Qur’an in a distinct tone.”(Al-Quran 73:4)

    Following are the tips from which you can improve your Qur’an Recitation:


    The best way to improve your recitation is to Learn Quran with Tajweed. Only Tajweed rules will help you improve your recitation because you will learn the proper pronunciation. Reading the Qur’an without Tajweed will fade away the beauty of the recitation.

    You cannot learn Tajweed rules without the help of a Qari. You need Quran teacher who will teach you how to recite the Quran with Tajweed. You can follow the recitation of the expert reciter and learn the way of reciting.


    After learning the Tajweed, one of the most important tips for good qirat is to practice more and more. You should practice as much as you can and recite the Qur’an as frequently as you can.

    The more you will practice, the better you will be at reciting the Quran. After some time, you will see that you have also started reciting the Qur’an like an expert reciter. You can read in smaller amount but recite it daily.


    It is recommended that you should start with a smaller passage. If you will read a smaller part properly then you will be able to recite a longer passage quickly too.

    When you are reciting the Quran, make sure you understand what you are reciting. You should understand the “harakaat” mentioned over the words. Understanding the rules like Qalqala, Iqlab, Idgham, Idhaar, Ikhfaa are also important. Understand proper makharij of similar-sounding letters.


    Learning recitation through guidebooks and Qaida books are not very helpful. You should consult a Qur’an Tutor in order to improve your Qur’an recitation. If you want to know how to recite the Qur’an beautifully, consult with the professional person.


    If you are still struggling to improve your recitation, you should listen to the recitation of your reciter, whose voice you love. Listen to the recitation again and again so that you become familiar with the correct pronunciation. Devotion is a very necessary thing when you want to learn anything. So, devote yourself to learn the Qur’an.

    Improve your Recitation with Quran Sheikh Institute

    Quran Sheikh Institute offers Quran classes to help you improve your recitation of Qur’an. You can take classes through private (one to one) or group lessons by a staff of qualified Arab tutors: male and female, for kids, women, and men.

    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran
    Etiquette of Reciting the Holy Quran

    It is important to recognize that the book of God is the most valuable book we possess. It is up to us to give it the respect it deserves. It is highly recommended to perform wudhu (or ablution) before touching the Holy Quran, as ablution cleanses our physical bodies, and makes us spiritually mindful that we are entering into an act of worship. God states,

    No one can touch it except the purified ones.”(Al-Quran 56:79)

    Furthermore, we should sit in the direction of the Qiblah (the direction of the location of the Holy Kabah), another physical demonstration that we are submitting to God.

    How many Types of Qur’an recitation?

    How many Types of Qur’an recitation
    How many Types of Qur’an recitation

    The Qur’an was revealed in an environment which was known for its numerous tribes and ascents. The Prophet said:

    Jibrîl taught me to recite in one style (hurf). I replied to him and kept asking him to give more (styles), till he reached seven styles”.

    Muslim narrated that Jibrîl said to the Prophet (PBUH) “Allah has commanded you to recite the Qur’an to your people in seven ahruf (styles), and in whichever harf (style) they recite, they would be right”.

    It is Allah’s mercy that the Qur’an was revealed in 7 ahruf to eliminate hardship and enable Muslims to recite or memorize it whichever is easier for them.

    Following are the narrators of seven styles of Quran:

    • Nafi’ ibn ‘Abdul-Rahman al-Laithi al-Madani (d. 169 A.H)
    • Abd Allah ibn Kathir al-Dari al-Makki (d. 120 A.H.)
    • Abu ‘Amr Zabban ibn al-‘Ala’ al-Mazini al-Basri (d. 154 A.H.)
    • Abd Allah ibn ‘Amir al-Yahsobi al-Shami (d. 118 A.H.)
    • Asim ibn Abi al-Najjud al-Asadi al-Kufi (d. 128 A.H.)
    • Hamzah ibn Habib al-Zayyat al-Kufi (d. 156 A.H)
    • Ali ibn Hamzah al-Nahwi-known as al-Kisai’ (d. 189 A.H.)

    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an?

    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an
    What is Tilawat & Riwayat Qur’an

    Tilawat OR Recitation is the word that the Qur’an uses to describe the act of its reading.

    Tilawat is an Arabic word meaning ‘sacred reading’ or ‘reading continuously.

    Recitation or Quran reading the extracts or portions from the Holy Qur’an either in Mosques or at homes seeking His mercy and peace for humankind is called Tilawat.

    To read the Quran from one of the above styles is called Riwayat Quran.

    Quran Reciter:

    The one who reads or recites the Quran is called Quran Reciter. On the Day of judgment, he will get so many rewards from Allah Almighty some of which are already discussed above.

    How can I learn Recitation online?

    How can I learn Recitation online
    How can I learn Recitation online

    Because we are living in the scientific age, memorizing the Qur’an has become even easier. Now you can take online

    Live Qur’an Recitation course aims to teach students how to recite with proper pronunciation using methods of Qur’an Tajweed. As we know, that meaning of Qur’an words can change even with a slight alteration of pronunciation of the word. You can learn Recitation with Qur’an Sheikh Institute. It teaches students different rules used for pronunciations of Arabic words.

    What is the recitation method of teaching?

    While learning the Qur’an Recitation some basic rules are applied. Although teaching methods may vary from country to country but these rules are the basics:

    First students should learn the Arabic Grammar which is also called Noorani Qaida in Arabic language.

    Then the students should learn the Namaz (which is a short book through which we can learn the method of praying Salah and some basics of Islam.

    Then start learning the Quran from the very last chapter.

    What is Recitation Class?

    What is Recitation Class
    What is Recitation Class

    The class where we learn how to recite or how to read the Quran is called a Recitation class. In this class, there is a Qari who helps his students to learn the Quran Recitation. This is the class where it doesn’t matter what is the age of the student or wherefrom he/she belongs.

    By attending this class the students are able to learn:

    • How to pray and recite the Quran.
    • Study Islam while increasing their faith on Prophets (peace be upon them)

    Quran recitation for kids:

    Quran recitation for kids
    Quran recitation for kids

    The Qur’an is the word of Allah. It’s an honor and blessing for every Muslim parent to witness their children love the Qur’an.

    Loving the Qur’an is not only limited to memorizing  Quran specific aayaat (verses) when instructed to do so. When a child loves the Qur’an, he feels the urge to recite ayat throughout the day, understand what he’s reciting, and is interested in everything related to the Qur’an.

    Children are predominantly influenced by their surroundings and their primary caregivers. So, the role of parents is crucial in helping children develop a strong and loving bond with the Qur’an.

    Here are some tips to help you instill the love of Quran in your child’s heart:

    • Have your children listen to the Qur’an often.
    • Share beautiful stories of the Qur’an with your children.
    • Encourage them to share what they’ve learned.
    • Go over the meaning of the verses/chapters.
    • Take it easy and encourage them.
    Best Quran Recitation Course, Read Quran with Arab teachers 30% OF | QuranSheikh
    Quran Reading Course online - Best Quran Recitation Course, Read with Arab Tutors 30% OFF

    Online Quran recitation course, 1:1 online quran classes faster than group classes, male/female Arab teachers, learn quran reading online, 30% off

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