Best Online Quran tutor for Kids & Beginners 2025

Online Quran tutor

How to become a Quran teacher?

Starting from the question of “how to be a teacher of the Quran”, we need to define what it means to teach the Quran as it is the first step in understanding nature in this way.

How to become a Quran teacher
How to become a Quran teacher

The Quran is the last message of Allah Almighty that He has sent to His Noble Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (May the blessings of Allah be upon him) so that He may guide the humans of Allah to a successful path in this life and in the life hereafter.

In the Quran, Allah Almighty guides his people on how they can live a happy life with a strong relationship with Allah Almighty.

Thus, the primary responsibility of the Muslim is to deal nicely with Holy Quran and to cope with the question “a way to turn out to be a Quran teacher? It is about understanding the purpose and the messages of the Holy Quran in order to use it for their benefit so one can be capable of making true use of it in his life.

In different words, Muslim need to apprehend the messages of the Holy Quran in order to become successful in the life and the lie hereafter.

Then, as a means, Muslims need to analyze the Arabic letters and Tajweed rules to study Quran just like the manner that Prophet Muhammad (May the blessings of Allah be upon Him) read. Accompanying this phase, Muslims can undergo the memorization of the Quran.

As a tutor of the Quran, you need to understand these points well in order not to mislead others. In fact, it is a huge responsibility you have to take.

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Now you are familiar with the idea of ​​teaching the Quran and the reasons for it, you must have the following qualities in order to become a good online Quran tutor:

  1. You need to understand the nobility and be a good role model. Start with yourself, understand the Quran and apply the above instructions.
  2. It is mandatory for becoming a good tutor that first you should have memorized the Noble Quran from a well-known Quran teacher to produce correct pronunciation.
  3. You should have the knowledge of theoretical and practical Tajweed rules.
  4. You should have the training of delivering a lecture and teaching styles and how to deal with different type of students.
  5. You should have the command on English language to teach Arabic language and Tajweed rules to your students.
  6. Be a friend more than an online Quran tutor.
  7. Keep a reasonable space of informality in your relationship with your students.

For online Quran teaching you should have following tips as well as it is more challenging than conventional Quran teaching methods.

  • You must have the knowledge of communication apps like Zoom, Skype or Google meeting etc.
  • You should have the idea of preparing the slides on PowerPoint. Because in online Quran classes, online Quran tutors use slides mostly.
  • Break time are especially important for kids. You can have a free discussion with him/her. Let the kids express themselves by asking open-ended questions. You can also take this opportunity to convey some useful messages indirectly.

How to teach Quran to beginners?

How to teach quran to beginners
How to teach quran to beginners

Before we move on to the ways of learning Quran as a beginner, we should know why learning the Quran is essential for all Muslims regardless of age.

The first and most important benefit of learning Quran is that it will help you develop a strong relationship with Allah Almighty. It provides information on all aspects of life and brings invaluable rewards from Allah.

In addition, learning the Quran will not only benefit the world hereafter, but also has various benefits in this world.

For example, Surah Al Fatiha is explained as a cure for any kind of  diseases If you are worried about learning the Quran as a beginner then we are mentioning some useful tips that will help you while learning the Holy Quran:

If, as a beginner, you are not proficient in the Arabic language, we recommend that you get command on Arabic language as soon as possible.

You should start with the basics of the Arabic language. You can start with Noorani Qaida to learn basic Arabic alphabets and then move on, or you can seek advice from the best online Quran tutors on Quran Sheikh Institute from the comfort of your home.

Once you’ve learned to read Arabic, it’s time to work on improving your pronunciation. With this in mind, several beginners have found the Al Qaida Al Noorania Method effective as it teaches language by breaking up words.

You will also find great online Quran platforms dedicated to teaching the Quran online to beginners and Quran Sheikh Institute is the best among all online Quran teaching academies in the world.

It facilitates the kids and adults by providing separate male and female online Quran learning classes.

Another easy way for beginners to learn Quran is to listen to it and recite from the Musaf “the Quran Book”. Listening will greatly improve your vocabulary

If you want to improve your reading and learning, we strongly recommend reading at least one page a day. Initially, this may be a little bit difficult and time taking task but once you are good at it, you will be able to recite the Quran much better and in less time.

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How to teach Quran on skype or Zoom?

How to teach Quran on skype
How to teach Quran on skype

Learning Quran online is a very popular learning method nowadays. You only need an internet connection and a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile phone to start online Quran lessons.

Your designated online male or online female Quran tutor will teach you the Quran recitation as well as Quran memorization or (Quran Ijazah)using voice and screen sharing programs such as Zoom or skype, and teach you the lesson by sharing it on your screen.

Nowadays it is not strictly necessary to learn Quran face to face in a physical classroom.

Teachers from all over the world can use the Zoom app to teach the Quranic education to their students from all over the world.

Online Quran teaching methods are also very easy to learn with one or more well-known Quran teachers via the Zoom app.

Interactive Quran lessons from Zoom are beneficial for kids and adults. Zoom offers many tools.

You can share your screen, start a video call, and share your local files with your students.

You only need an internet connection to use it. It offers new ways for students and tutors to connect with each other.

It is the best opportunity for distance learning, especially for studying the Quran.

Students and tutors can easily take part in a discussion and exchange ideas on their own as if they could do it in a physical classroom.

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