+10 Best Manners of Reciting the Holy Quran

+10 Manners, Etiquettes & Rules of Reading & Reciting the Quran

Manners of Reciting the Holy Quran: The Holy Qur’an is a special blessing of Allah Almighty for mankind in which Allah Almighty has guided the humankind. Quran is the last sacred Holy Book of Almighty Allah revealed on the last Prophet Muhammad (SAW). It is a source of mercy, a source of blessing, a source of forgiveness and perfect guidance for a man in every way.

Holy Quran is not just the book, but it is the wording of Almighty Allah. So, it is compulsory on all of us to respect it. It holds significance in itself from all books of the rest of the world because this book is written by the Almighty Lord Himself, Who says:

“Indeed, it is We, Who sent down the Quran and indeed, We will be its guardian.” (Quran: 15:9)

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Etiquettes of Reciting the holy Quran
Etiquettes of Reciting the holy Quran

The Holy Quran is distinguished from ordinary books, therefore there are some special etiquettes for its recitation, which must be observed before starting recitation.

1- Purification before recitation:

The Holy Quran is a sacred book so one cannot touch the holy book without purification. One should recite the Holy Quran with respect and politeness. You can recite it whether standing or sitting or even if you recite while laying down, you will get full reward from the Allah Almighty. In the Holy Quran Allah says:

ٱلَّذِينَ يَذْكُرُونَ ٱللَّهَ قِيَـٰمًۭا وَقُعُودًۭا وَعَلَىٰ جُنُوبِهِمْ

˹They are˺ those who remember Allah while standing, sitting, and lying on their sides, (Aa’al e Imran:191)

However, it is better to recite while sitting and facing the Qiblah while performing ablution.

2- Getting Prepared for Recitation:

The Glorious Qur’an is sacred, so one should dress well as if he is getting prepared for meeting with a royal prince, for he addresses Allah the Almighty.

One should direct his face towards the Qiblah. Abu Al-`Aaliyah used to put his turban on along with his finest clothes and direct his face towards the Qiblah. [Of course, this is not required all the time].

Manners of Reading the Noble Quran
Manners of Reading the Noble Quran

3- Fix the Recitation limit:

To fix the recitation limit is one of the manners of Holy Quran recitation. Although different people have different reciting limit.

One should not take too much time to complete the whole Quran, nor he should complete in less than 3 days because in this way you will not understand the purpose of holy Quran.

A moderate level of recitation is to complete the Holy Quran in one week or 2 times in a week. 

4- Reading with intention and sincerity:

Reciting of the Holy Quran with attention is mustahab. The purpose of the Qur’an is deliberation and reflection, reading it continuously helps to understand the purpose of Holy Quran.

Hazrat Umm e Salma (R.A) said about the recitation of the Holy Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, that: He (SAW) used to recite the Holy Quran slowly and clearly.

Hazrat Ibn Abbas (R.A) says: “It is better for me to recite only Surah Baqarah and Aal Imran, either to recite complete Holy Qur’an quickly.” So, everyone should recite the Holy Quran slowly and clearly.

Rules of Reading the Holy Quran
Rules of Reading the Holy Quran

5- Condition during recitation:

During recitation a person should consider the promises and threats of the Holy Qur’an, the verses of punishment, the events of the Day of Resurrection, and the destruction of previous nations.

By considering these events, crying is also mustahab. If one does not cry, let a person grieve in his heart and think about what the Qur’an has ordered me to do and what has prevented me from doing it. It will help him or her to understand the teachings of Holy Quran.

6- Pay special attention on the ayah of sajdah:

During recitation, one should respect the rights of the verses of Holy Quran. when he passes a verse of prostration or hears a verse of prostration from someone else, he should prostrate (do sajdah), provided that, he is in a state of purity.

If he is reciting orally and has no ablution, just do sajdah after purification.

Etiquettes of Reading the Holy Quran
Etiquettes of Reading the Holy Quran

7- Recite the Holy Quran loudly:

It is also the part of the manners of recitation to recite with such a voice that one can hear oneself, because the meaning of reciting is to pronounce the letters through the voice.

Therefore, the voice is necessary, and the lowest level of voice is to be able to hear oneself. whereas the matter of reciting with a loud voice, then it is both beloved and makruh. In some hadiths, reciting loudly is appreciated and in some hadiths, it is disliked.

A person who is afraid of hypocrisy should recite the Holy Quran slowly, but if he is not afraid of it and does not disturb the prayer of others or any other action, then it is preferable to read the Holy Quran loud.

8- Try to recite with beautiful voice:

The Holy Quran should be recited in a beautiful voice. Pay full attention to beautify your recitation but the letters should not be drawn out so much that the meanings of words are changed, and the Quranic verse is disrupted. The Holy prophet (PBUH) insisted on beautiful recitation.

9- Dua after recitation:

One should pray after finishing the recitation. And if you pray the dua which is written at the end of Holy Quran, then it would be better. Some books says that the Holy Prophet (SAW) used to recite this dua at the end of recitation.

Rules of Reciting the Holy Quran
Rules of Reciting the Holy Quran

10- Admit the greatness of the Holy Quran:

One should acknowledge the majesty of the word of Allah (the Holy Quran) from his heart and soul and should remind that the revelation of the Qur’an is undoubtedly a great example of the grace and benevolence of Allah Almighty, that He has sent the Holy Quran from the throne for the growth and guidance of the mankind.

Otherwise, the spiritual burden and revelation of this book is that if the Holy book was revealed on mountains, even the hardest mountains could not bear this burden.

11- Admit the greatness of Allah Almighty:

When the reciter recites, he must remember the majesty and glory of the speaker (Allah) in his heart and should consider as if Allah Almighty is talking to him. He should have strong belief that this is not the word of any human being, but the word of the Creator of the universe.

And there are many manners and requirements of reciting the Holy Quran. Every heart is not capable of bearing the weight of the wisdom of the Qur’an and its great meanings. So, it is necessary that a man’s heart should be pure and shine with the light of greatness and reverence.

When Hazrat Akramah opened the Holy Quran, he was faint and say:

This is the Book of Allah Almighty, This is the book of Allah Almighty”

12- Consider the Qur’anic address as special for yourself:

Consider each address of the Holy Quran as special for you. When a verse of prohibition or a verse of command comes up, think that I am the one who has been commanded and I am the one who has been forbidden. If he recites the verses of promises, then he should think that this is obligatory only for him.

If you read the stories of the Prophets, you should understand that the purpose here is not to tell stories, but to learn from them, that Allah Almighty has described the trials, patience, support, and steadfastness of the Prophets in His book.

The reason for assuming the Quranic addresses for oneself is that the Holy Quran was not revealed for a single person, but it is healing, guidance, mercy and God’s message for the whole world. All people are the addressees of the Qur’an, so everyone should assume that they are the target of the Qur’an.

13- Be influenced with Quranic verses:

The kind of verse he recites, such an effect should raise in his heart. If it is a verse of fear, then let it be feared, and if it is a verse of sorrow, then it should be sad.

If it is a verse of hope, then he should create a state of hope. When the heaven is mentioned, then the desire for it should arise in the heart, and a state of fear in the heart when the description of hell is mentioned.

14- Consider yourself the weakest person:

During recitation, do not give importance to yourself at any moment. For example, if you read the verses of the Holy Quran in which the good mankind is praised, then you should not think that I am also included in them, but rather understand that this level is very high and It belongs to high people. So, recite these verses with the hope of joining these righteous people.

 And when you read the verses in which sinful people are mentioned and are threatened with punishment, then understand that these verses are also addressed for yourself. At this moment, fear with the wrath of God and ask God for refuge from suffering from immorality, disbelief, and polytheism.

A person who keeps an eye on his shortcomings while reciting and thinks that I am totally guilty, then he will be blessed with nearness of God.

You should know that there are 28 Arabic alphabets, and this is the basic need of every Muslim to correct his Arabic pronunciation. Because if you cannot pronounce the Arabic alphabets then you can’t recite well.

 In this era of technology, you can now learn the Holy Quran and beautify your recitation while sitting at your own place through different online academies. So, if you want to learn Holy Quran and beautify your recitation, join the Quran sheikh Academy.

We have qualified and experienced teachers who are graduated from Al-Azhar university. Our teaching methodology is highly effective and pricing plans are flexible that will be suitable for every student. So, hurry up now to enroll yourself with Quran Sheikh Academy to explore the best courses ever.

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